Woodlin Elementary PTA
Home of the Wizards

Author: Rebecca Kane

  • MCPS Posts Vaccination Information

    January 18, 2022
    MCPS is maintaining a page of Covid-19 vaccination and testing sites: https://www.montgomeryschoolsmd.org/Coronavirus/Vaccinations/.
  • Opt In to Covid-19 Testing

    January 18, 2022
    Please help us protect our Woodlin community by opting your child in to in-class testing. Information and links to the form…
  • Turn in Snider’s Receipts from 2021 by Feb. 4

    December 9, 2021
    The Woodlin PTA is now collecting Snider’s Receipts from 2021! We are collecting all Snider’s receipts dated from 2021 - please…
  • Dec. 7 PTA Meeting Included School Move Info

    December 4, 2021
    Look for the school move slides at the bottom of https://www2.montgomeryschoolsmd.org/schools/woodlines/wes--grosvenor/. Meeting notes will be posted as soon as possible.
  • Shop at the Book Fair Today!

    December 4, 2021
    The virtual Fall Book Fair with Scholastic Books ends Saturday, December 4th. Support our school by shopping online for an…
  • Notes from October PTA Meeting Posted

    October 11, 2021
    Couldn't make the October 5 PTA meeting? See https://woodlinpta.org/meeting-presentations/ to review the notes and see the presentation slides.
  • 2021-2022 Welcome Letter and Calendar Posted

    September 4, 2021
    The 2021-2022 Woodlin PTA Welcome Letter and Calendar have been posted on the What We Do page.
  • Notes Posted From First PTA Meeting of Year

    September 1, 2021
    The meeting notes and presentation from the September 10, 2021, PTA meeting are posted on https://woodlinpta.org/meeting-presentations/.
  • Q&A Session Notes Posted

    August 24, 2021
    See the Meeting Presentations and Notes page to review the notes from the PTA's New Parents Q&A Session that took…
  • Please Take PTA Survey

    August 17, 2021
    Please take some time to complete a Back to School Survey, which has questions about how the PTA can best help…