Woodlin Elementary PTA
Home of the Wizards

PTA Volunteers Needed

Become a PTA volunteer!

  • We are looking for people to fill the following vacancies next year (2023-2024): treasurer, communications chair, membership chair, fundraising chair. Contact president[at]woodlinpta[dot]org with questions.
  • Our 2023 spring annual auction will be here before you know it, and our auction chairs need volunteers to help solicit donations. Please reach out to Shana at shanahattis[at]gmail.com, Bianca at biancapowell15[at]gmail.com, or Michelle at mllebovary[at]gmail.com if you can lend a hand!
  • Yearbook volunteers needed to help coordinate 2022-2023 yearbook.  
  • Social Media Coordinator – help us keep our community in touch and up to date! Email president[at]woodlinpta.org to volunteer.