Event coordinators Erin Toner, Carolyn Weber, and Heather Collick would like to thank all the students, families, teachers, staff members, PTA volunteers, PTA board members, KAH staff, and community partners who made the W@G International Spring Fair happen!
Thank you for the 49 cake walk donations, candy donations, and for coming together to dance salsa, listen to music, and toss color. A special thank you to Alison Aughinbaugh—our amazing PTA President who makes everything PTA possible; DJ Mr. Danny—who knows that everything is mode fun with dancing and music; Ms. Ward—who wasn’t able to be there in person, but we know we will be hearing her sing again soon; Ms. Garcia—whose strength helps with everything; Ms. Schneiderman—who is always up for problem solving, storybook reading, and fun; Ms. King—who helped with logistics and origami for all; Mr. Hitchcock—who is always ready to help with moving boxes and last minute details; and Mr Tony— who so patiently made sure everything was perfect!
Thanks to Woodlin Boy Scouts Pack 209 and Girl Scout SU 34-9/Troop 34073, we were able to collect 9 boxes of food for the St. Andrew Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Greater Washington and learn more about butterfly habitats.
Mikey Franklin for coordinating the Bookfair, Christine Lao-Scott for organizing the Cake Walk, Kavita Vaidyanathan for work on ColorFest, and Lori Kalikstein who made our adorable new spirit gear happen.
Thank you to Allison Nadelhaft and Angie Lai, the Fundraising Team who made this amazing event possible and the Montgomery County Government Neighborhood Events Matching Funds Grant Program (NEMF) to promote community engagement for their generous support of this community building event.
Amazing Board Members: Mary Haas, Lauren Boylan, Hye-Soo Baek, Eduardo Aponte, Jennie Davison, Katya Rimkunas, Kirsten Byerts, Angie Lai, Jean Kim; and the PTA Teacher Representative Lauren Clarke.